Border municipalities

Areas incorporated into frontier zone

Rules for exception from import value added tax and excise duties on goods brought in by travellers (approved by Resolution No. 439 of 16 April 2004 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania) lay down that „frontier zone“ means a land zone which extends 15 km from the frontier line of a state. These Rules also lay down that this frontier zone includes the administrative unit of the Republic of Lithuania (municipality), the part of the territory of which lies within the zone.

The said Resolution charges the Customs Department to approve the methods according to which customs officers satisfy themselves whether a person lives within the frontier zone. The methods for determining the normal residence place of persons living within the frontier zone of the Republic of Lithuania adjacent to the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, and within the frontier zone of the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus adjacent to the Republic of Lithuania are
approved by Order No 1B-141 of 28 February 2005 of the Director General of the Customs Department.

The lists of the administrative units of the Republic of Lithuania, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, incorporated into the frontier zones, are attached to these methods.

The list of the administrative units of the Republic of Lithuania incorporated into the frontier zones

Utena district:

Zarasai region municipality;

Visaginas municipality;

Ignalina region municipality;

Molėtai region municipality.

Vilnius district:

Švenčionys region municipality;

Vilnius region municipality;

Šalčininkai region municipality.

Alytus district:

Varėna region municipality;

Druskininkai municipality;

Lazdijai region municipality.

Marijampolė district:

Vilkaviškis region municipality;

Šakiai region municipality.

Tauragė district:

Jurbarkas region municipality;

Pagėgiai municipality;

Tauragė region municipality.

Klaipėda district:

Šilutė region municipality;

Neringa municipality.

The list of the administrative units of the Russian Federation incorporated into the frontier zones:

Kaliningrad region (Калининградская область):

Sovetsk (город Советск);

Rybachij (Zelenogradsk region) (поселок Рыбачий Зеленоградского района);

Krasnoznamensk region (Краснознаменский район);

Neman region (Неманский район);

Nesterov region (Нестеровский район);

Slavsk region (Славский район).

The list of the administrative units of the Republic of Belarus incorporated into the frontier zones:

Vitebsk region (Витебская область):

Braslav region (Браславский район);

Postawy region (Поставский район).

Grodno region (Гродненская область):

Grodno region (Гродненский район);

Voronovo region (Вороновский район);

Ivjev region (Ивьевский район);

Ostrovec region (Островецкий район);

Oshmiansk region (Ошмянский район);

Shchuchin region (Щучинский район).


Last updated: 12-07-2024