Relevant Information

The Head of the Lithuanian Customs has been awarded in Estonia a medal of honour for cooperation in the field of sanctions The Director General of the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania Darius Žvironas
- 26-11-2024
Updated procedure for admitting cars with Belarusian registration to enter Lithuania As part of Lithuania's implementation of the import restrictions referred to in Article 1ra of Regulation No 765/2006
- 26-11-2024
Customs authorities strengthen controls of exports from the EU by physically checking dual-use goods From 11 November 2024, the Lithuanian Customs service will strengthen on the Lithuanian border the customs controls of goods belonging to the high-risk group, whose export is declared from the countries of the European Union.
- 26-11-2024
New version of iMDAS – familiarise yourself with the revised system operation functions Please be informed that today, on 13 November 2024, a new version of iMDAS has been installed.

Darius Žvironas
Director General of the Customs Department
Structure and contact information
Information available I-IV 8.00-17.00 and V 8.00-15.45:
- General customs enquiries tel. 8 5 266 5000,
for international calls: +370 5 266 5000;
- for declaration enquiries tel. 8 5 266 5001,
for international calls tel. +370 5 266 5001.
24-hour toll-free helpline 8 800 55544,
for international calls, tel. +370 800 55544.
For written enquiries, please contact [email protected]