Coming from third countries


Ban on imports of CERTAIN agricultural products and feedingstuffs 

Ban on imports of agricultural products and feedingstuffs originating in the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus entered into force on 3 June 2024.

The list of products and feedingstuffs prohibited to import has been approved by Resolution No. 396 of 29 May 2024 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania Government, adopted pursuant to Article 3(8) of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on imposing restrictive measures regarding the military aggression against Ukraine.

That list, drawn up on the basis of the 2024 version of the Combined Nomenclature, includes 24 product groups: live animals, meat and meat products, fish and shellfish, molluscs, milk and milk products, eggs, honey, products of animal origin, trees and other plants, bulbs, vegetables, fruit and nuts, coffee, tea, spices, cereals, grains and products thereof, flour, starch, oils and fats, waxes, sugar, confectionery products, cocoa, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, vinegar, animal fodder, residues and waste from the food industries, as well as tobacco and manufactured substitutes thereof. The description of the goods according to the code indicated in the list can also be found using the means of the Integrated Tariff of the Republic of Lithuania  LITAR.


What can be imported into Lithuania free of import duties and other taxes

A traveler coming to the Republic of Lithuania from the third countries (except in cases where prohibitions or restrictions apply) may bring free of import duties and taxes:

- private property in case a traveler changes his normal place of residence and moves to Lithuania from the third country;

- dowry, new (used) domestic appliances that belong to it, if a person moves from a third country to settle permanently in Lithuania in case of marriage; also wedding presents with the value under 1000 euros, received from persons residing in a third country;

- articles for non-commercial purposes carried as personal baggage (being brought irregularly and intended for personal use of traveler or their family members or to be given as presents), if their aggregate value (except restricted articles indicated below) does not exceed:

-         430 euros, if a traveler arrives by air or sea transport;

-         150 euros, if the articles are brought by a traveler under 15 years of age; members of the crew of vehicles travelling on regular international routs to or from the third countries; persons working and (or) residing in state border area neighbouring a third country;

-         300 euros, if the articles are brought by other persons.

Restricted items

One person over 17 years of age may import free of import duties and taxes:

Tobacco products

Travellers arriving by air transport


200 units, or

Cigarillos (cigars of a maximum 
weight of 3 grams each)

100 units, or


50 units, or

Smoking tobacco

250 g 

Heated tobacco products200 units
E-Cigarette liquid50 ml

Travellers arriving by other than air transport; persons using an aircraft or a sea vessel for personal needs; members of the crew of vehicles travelling on regular international routs to or from the third countries; persons working and (or) residing in state border area neighbouring a third country. 


40 units, or

Cigarillos (cigars of a maximum
weight of 3 grams each)

20 units, or


10 units, or

Smoking tobacco

50 g

Heated tobacco products40 units
E-Cigarette liquid20 ml

Alcoholic beverages

Travellers arriving by any kind of transport

Alcoholic beverages (vodka, cognac, brandy, whiskey or others) of an alcoholic strength exceeding 22 % vol.

1 litre or

Alcoholic beverages (liqueur, sparkling wine, vermouth, cider or others) of an alcoholic strength not exceeding 22 % vol.

2 litres


Still wines

4 litres


16 litres

Members of the crew of vehicles travelling on regular international routs to or from the third countries; persons working and (or) residing in state border area neighbouring a third country.

Alcoholic beverages (vodka, cognac, brandy, whiskey or others) of an alcoholic strength exceeding 22 % vol.

0,5 litre; or

Alcoholic beverages (liqueur, sparkling wine, vermouth, cider or others) of an alcoholic strength not exceeding 22 % vol.

0,75 litre


Still wines

0,75 litre


4 litres

High Importance High Importance button

Please be informed that the import of alcohol products (spirits with an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80%) (CN code 2208) and cigars, including cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, containing tobacco or tobacco substitutes (CN code 2402) from the Russian Federation is prohibited.

Legal basis: Article 3i of  Council Regulation (EU) No. 833/2014 of 31 July 2014


Engine fuel and lubricants

Import duties and taxes are not imposed on the imported engine fuel and lubricants held in the stationary fuel and lubricant tanks of a private road vehicle in which a person is travelling. A person may also bring not more than 10 litres of engine fuel in a portable can per one road vehicle.

If fuel, used in a vehicle other than that in which it has been introduced, is transferred, whether in return for payment or free of charge, to another person (into the ownership or to use for a certain time) or if it is poured out of stationary fuel tanks, indicated in technical documentation from the manufacturer, except for the cases of necessary vehicle repairs, it is required to inform of it in advance the customs office through which the vehicle entered the Republic of Lithuania, and to pay import duties and taxes into the  Customs cumulative account no later than the next working day after the fuel was poured out. In the case of the necessary vehicle repairs, information on the pouring out the fuel must be presented no later than the next working day after the fuel was poured out.

Person can bring not more than 10 litres of engine fuel in a portable can per one road vehicle, if he is not residing and working in state border area neighbouring a third country and if he is not a member of the crew of a vehicle travelling on regular international routes to or from the third countries. However, persons, working in state border area neighbouring a third country or the above mentioned members of the crew, who come as non-work passengers, as well as persons residing in state border area neighbouring a third country, may bring not more than 10 litres of engine fuel in portable can if they do not travel to or from the state border area neighbouring a third country.


Please be informed that imports of oil products from the Republic of Belarus are prohibited (applicable to CN codes 2707, 2710, 2711, 2712, 2713 and 2715), except for fuel contained in the standard tanks of vehicles and special containers.

“special container” means any container fitted with specially designed apparatus for refrigeration systems, oxygenation systems, thermal insulation systems, or other systems.

Legal basis: Article 1h of Council Regulation (EC) No. 765/2006 of 18 May 2006 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Belarus and the involvement of Belarus in the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

From 5 February 2023, the prohibition applies to the import of oil products (fuel) from the Russian Federation as well (applicable to CN code group 2710).

Legal basis: Articles 3m and 3n of Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 of 31 July 2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine.

Duties and  taxes

When bringing in larger quantities of goods, customs duties, excise duties and value-added-tax shall be paid.

If the value of goods subject to customs duties and carried as personal baggage for non-commercial purposes does not exceed 700 EUR, customs duties are assessed by applying the standard duty rate of 2,5 percent. In case this value is exceeded, customs duties are assessed referring to the customs tariff. The standard duty rate shall not apply to tobacco products and alcoholic beverages as well as in cases when before assessing customs duties, a traveller requests the customs authorities to apply customs duties set out in the customs tariff.

Plants and plant products

The quantities of plants and plant products permitted to bring from non-EU countries for private needs (consumption) are reducing. The bringing of potatoes is prohibited. 

Please be informed that, since 3 July 2019,  following the new rules approved by the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania and the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, the quantities of plants, plant products and other objects permitted to bring for private needs (consumption) have been reduced.

The quantities established by the rules are the following:

- up to 10 packs, but not exceeding 10 g of seeds of one species, in total not exceeding the amount of 100 g of seeds;

- up to 200 g of bulbs, corms and tubers;

- up to 5 kg of vegetables and fruits;

- up to 20 pcs. of cut flowers;

- up to 5 pcs. of pot flowers;

- up to 20 pcs. of seedlings.

Please note that these quantities do not apply to plants, plant products and other objects prohibited to enter the Republic of Lithuania and all European Union member states. 

We particularly draw the attention of persons attempting to bring from non-EU countries potatoes for private needs (consumption). The entry of potatoes is prohibited.

Meat and dairy products

European Commission‘s information

Food products, Plants, Plant products and other objects

Last updated: 19-06-2024