World Customs Organization (WCO) is an independent intergovernmental body which represents 185 Customs administrations across the globe. The WCO is the only international organization with competence in Customs matters.
The mission of the WCO is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of Customs administrations and thus stimulate the growth of legitimate international trade.
The WCO working parties on various Customs areas prepare and issue recommendations for member states, arrange training to Customs officers, review and modify Customs conventions and agreements. For more information: WCO.
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is one of five regional commissions of the United Nations. UNECE includes 56 member States in Europe, North America and Asia. Its major aim is to facilitate pan-European economic integration and cooperation among its member countries and promote sustainable development and economic prosperity. UNECE guides the process of harmonizing and simplifying border crossing procedures for the various modes of inland transport. Lithuanian Customs officers participate in the meetings of The Working Party on Customs Questions affecting Transport (WP.30), which prepares, reviews, modifies and administers many United Nations conventions and agreements in the field of border crossing facilitation. Lithuanian Customs officers participate in the activities of this Working Party. For more information: UNECE.
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is a regional organization for security which includes 57 member States in Europe, North America, Central Asia. The OSCE addresses a wide range of security-related concerns, including arms control, confidence and security building measures, human rights, national minorities, democratization, policing strategies, counter-terrorism, economic and environmental activities. Lithuanian Customs officers participate in ESBO seminars and meetings dedicated to ensuring border security, effective risk management and solving other Customs related issues. For more information: OSCE.
Last updated: 15-07-2024