Public and Administrative services


Name of public serviceGranting professional qualifications to persons wishing to provide customs representation services in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania
Result of public serviceA person wishing to provide customs representation services in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania has been certified as having a professional qualification (a certificate confirming this has been issued) after he has passed the qualification examination
Recipient of public serviceNatural person
Documents required to be submitted by person to acquire public service

A person who comes to take the qualification examination must submit the following documents:
1. a document certifying the successful completion of the professional qualification training courses or a written request to take the qualification examination having prepared for it independently;
2. a personal identity document;
3. a payment document (receipt or payment order with a bank stamp), if there is no possibility to verify the payment of the state fee through the means of the information system.

Description of public service (service provision steps)

A qualification examination shall follow the professional qualification training courses organised by the Customs Training Centre or another institution, whose organised professional qualification training course programme has been coordinated with the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the Customs Department) in accordance with the terms of Article 27(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2015/2447.

A person having attended the professional qualification training courses may take (retake) the qualification examination within 6 months from the last day of the professional qualification training courses, and after 6 months – once having prepared for it independently.

At the request of the person, the qualification examination may be taken upon preparing for it independently and only once. If the qualification examination is failed in such case, it may be retaken only after attending the professional qualification training courses.

The qualification examination shall take place at the Customs Training Centre (Jeruzalės st. 25, Vilnius).

Information on the date and time of the qualification examination is available on the website of the Customs authorities of the Republic of Lithuania (Structure and contacts / Customs Training Centre / Qualification examination).

Persons wishing to take the qualification examination shall be registered at the Customs Training Centre upon their arrival to the Customs Training Centre or by phone (8 5) 269 7856 or by email to [email protected] not later than 2 working days prior to the qualification examination. When registering for the qualification examination, a person shall indicate his name, surname and contact details (phone number, email address), the date of the qualification examination, who will be the payer for the qualification examination.

The person may cancel the registration no later than 1 working day before the start of the qualification examination. If the person has not cancelled the registration within the set time, he/she shall be allowed to take the qualification examination not earlier than 30 calendar days after the date of the qualification examination to which he/she failed to arrive.

The qualification examination may not take place, if less than 3 persons register to take the qualification examination before the prescribed end of registration. If the date of the announced qualification examination is changed, persons registered to take the qualification examination shall be notified thereof using their contact details.

The qualification examination shall consist of theoretical and practical parts. They shall be taken on the same day. The theoretical part of the examination shall be taken first; after passing it, the practical part shall be taken. In the case of the failure to pass the theoretical part of the examination, the practical part may not be taken on that day, and both parts of the examination shall be taken on the next day of the examination. Only the practical part of the examination may be taken, if the theoretical part of the examination has been passed, but the practical part has been failed before, and is being retaken.

The qualification examination shall be considered passed, if both parts of the examination have been passed.

The programme of the qualification examination, the tests of the theoretical part and the tasks of the practical part shall be approved by the Director of the Customs Training Centre.

During the theoretical part of the qualification examination, examinees shall be given a test consisting of at least 50 questions from the Qualification examination programme.

The theoretical part of the qualification examination shall be considered passed and the practical part of the qualification examination shall be allowed to be taken, if the evaluation of the test is positive (six and more points) using a 10-point scale.

During the practical part of the qualification examination, the examinee shall draw a ticket containing two tasks: the task of the classification of goods, and the task of the preparation of documents or other information necessary to accomplish customs formalities.

The practical part of the qualification examination and, at the same time, the qualification examination shall be deemed to have been passed, if the evaluation of each individual task, i.e. of the classification of goods and of the preparation of documents or other information necessary to accomplish customs formalities, is positive (six and more points) using a 10-point scale.

If the examinee refuses or fails to take the test or the practical task, he/she shall be considered to have failed the qualification examination.

The state fee for taking the qualification examination shall be paid in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on fees and charges of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the Law on fees and charges), the rules on payment and refund of state fees, approved by the Resolution No. 1458 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 15 December 2000, and Order 1B-800 of the Director General of the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania of 17 December 2008 on payment of state fee.

A separate fee must be paid for each retaken qualification examination.

If the qualification examination is failed to be passed, the paid state fee for the qualification examination shall not be reimbursed, except for the cases specified in Article 10 of the Law on fees and charges.

The Customs Training Centre shall issue to persons, who have passed the qualification examination, a certificate of professional qualification of a person providing customs representation services in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

Provider of public service (institution, responsible structural unit, contact persons and their phone No.)

Customs Training Centre, Jeruzalės st. 25, LT-08420 Vilnius.
Phone: (8 5) 270 1771, e-mail: [email protected]
Responsible structural unit: Training Administration Division. Contact person: Chief Specialist of Training Administration Division Aura Barysė, phone: (8 5) 269 7856, e-mail: [email protected]

Price of public service

Price of qualification examination  86 EUR:

taking the theoretical part – 40 EUR;

taking the practical part – 46 EUR.


Service name

Acceptance of Intrastat statistical reports

Service description

The electronic service for receiving and confirming Intrastat reports is provided to the registered users of customs electronic services.

Online application software for processing data relating to trade between the Republic of Lithuania and the EU states (hereinafter – IDAIS) portal is available at the address

The user of the IDAIS portal can submit Intrastat reporting data (hereinafter - Report) on-line in a real time mode: by completing a Report form on the IDAIS portal online; by submitting an electronic reporting message on the IDAIS portal online.

The requirements of the Customs Department for the construction and data structure of the electronic reporting message and response message are published on the IDAIS portal.

Report data shall be confirmed in the system only in such case, where all of them have been submitted without errors.

The IDAIS system shall inform the user of the IDAIS portal of the erroneously completed boxes of the Report by a message displayed online in the Report data entry window or display the response message with the list of detected errors.

If the number of errors does not exceed the established limit for the number of errors, the electronically submitted Report with the data errors shall be registered in the IDAIS system with the errors, but shall not be confirmed.

If the user of the IDAIS portal submits the electronic reporting message on-line, the said user shall be informed immediately of the processing results by a response message.

If the data structure of the electronic reporting message does not comply with the requirements, the reporting message shall not be accepted and registered.

The code and description of the error detected shall be indicated in the response message submitted to the representative of the VAT payer or agent.

The Report submission shall be considered successful, if it is confirmed in the IDAIS system. The date of the online submission of the Report shall be considered to be the date of its registration in the IDAIS system; this date shall be set by software application.

Legislation regulating provision of service

Order No. 1B-223 of 30 March 2016 of the Director General of the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania on the approval of the rules for electronic submission of Reports on trade with EU states from VAT payer of the Republic of Lithuania.

Order No. 1B-234 of 24 March 2017 of the Director General of the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania on the approval of the rules on the electronic service portal.

Order No. DĮ-186/1B-527 of 21 July 2021 of the Director General of Statistics Lithuania on the approval of the rules for filling, submission and acceptance of statistical forms for Intrastat statistical reports, statistical forms for Intrastat statistical report  UPS-01 for dispatches (monthly) and Intrastat statistical report UPS-02 for arrivals (monthly).  

Service initiation form

VAT payers or agents, wishing to submit Reports electronically, must register as a recipient of customs electronic services in the procedure set by the rules on electronic services, approved by Order 1B-234 of 24 March 2017 of the Director General of the Customs Department on the approval of the rules on the electronic service portal.

Information and documents required to be submitted by person

Reports shall include the following information:

Data about the VAT payer, who submitted the report;

Data about the mediator;

The reference month;

The code of the goods, which is based on the Combined Nomenclature;

Description of the goods;

County (in the Dispatch report);


Delivery terms;

Mode of transport;

Country of consignment (in the Arrival report);

Country of destination (in the Dispatch report);

Country of origin;

Partner identification code (in the Dispatch report);

Net mass, kg;

Unit of measurement;


Invoice value, EUR;

Statistical value, EUR;

Duration for preparing the statistical data and completing the report.

Contact information for service provision

Customs Information Division Access to the Customs electronic services portal, consultations on filling out, submitting and accepting Intrastat statistical reports

Tel. (+370 5) 266 5000

E-mail [email protected]

Customs Information Technology Service Centre Connecting to IDAIS (online application software for processing data related to trade between the Republic of Lithuania and EU states) in the event of IT incidents

Tel. (+370 5) 236 2302
E-mail [email protected]

Service manager

Information about the service manager can be obtained by calling the Customs Information Division at

tel. +370 5 2665000

Price of service provision  

Free of charge

Peculiarities of service provision

The service is final

Service name

Acceptance and processing of declarations

Service description

The following electronic customs declarations may be submitted to the Customs authorities:

1. Standard export declarations (with or without safety and security data).

2. Standard import declarations.

3. Prior notifications of export of compensating agricultural products.

4. Entry and exit summary declarations.

5. Standard transit declarations (with or without safety and security data).

6. Electronic TIR carnet data (with or without safety and security data).

7. Declaration for temporary storage.

8. Declarations by persons (traveller`s, cash and fuel declarations).

Declarants (economic operators and their representatives) may submit electronic declarations to the Customs authorities and receive information on the progress of the processing of the declarations and completed or not completed customs clearance.

Legislation regulating provision of administrative services

Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2013 laying down the Union Customs Code (Articles 127–129, 145–146, 162, 170–174, 271–272).

Order No. 1B-244 of 31-03-2015 of the Director General of the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter - CD) on the approval of rules for exchanging electronic declaration`s for temporary storage submission, acceptance and other electronic information relating to temporary storage of goods.

Order No. 1B-341 of 10-05-2007 of the Director General of CD on the approval of traveller’s declaration form, requirements for traveller’s declaration form and instructions for completion and customs clearance of traveller’s declaration.

Order No. 1B-319 of 22-05-2014 of the Director General of CD on the approval of fuel declaration form, requirements for fuel declaration form and instructions for completion and customs clearance of fuel declaration.

Order No. 1B-891 of 29-12-2006 of the Director General of CD on the approval of cash declaration form, requirements for cash declaration form and instructions for completion and customs clearance of cash declaration form.

Order No. 1B-357 of 26-06-2009 of the Director General of CD on the rules of electronic data to be used for export and import customs formalities and approval of the model contract for exchange of electronic data to be used for export and import customs formalities.

Order No. 1B-202 of 30-03-2010 of the Director General of CD on the approval of rules for exchange of electronic entry summary declaration`s submission, acceptance and other electronic information relating to processing of entry summary declaration.

Order No. 1B-204 of 30-03-2010 of the Director General of CD on the approval of rules for exchange of electronic exit summary declaration`s submission, acceptance and other electronic information relating to processing of this declaration.

Order No. 1B-360 of 26-06-2009 of the Director General of CD on the approval of rules for exchange of electronic import declaration`s submission, acceptance and other electronic information relating to accomplishment of import procedures.

Order No. 1B-362 of 26-06-2009 of the Director General of CD on the approval of rules for exchange of electronic export declaration`s submission, acceptance and other electronic information relating to accomplishment of export procedures.

Order No. 1B-399 of 26-04-2009 of the Director General of CD on the approval of instructions for submission and acceptance of export set for agricultural products at the competent Customs office of export, and for completion of customs export formalities for agricultural products.

Order No. 1B-356 of 25-06-2009 of the Director General of CD on the approval of rules on continuity of customs operations, applicable in case of failure of Customs declaration processing system or of electronic application software of person submitting import/export declaration.

Order No. 1B-253 of 17-04-2013 of the Director General of CD on establishing time limits for Community and common transit procedures and for TIR procedure.

Order No. 1B-793 of 9-12-2005 of the Director General of CD on rules for exchanging information on acceptance and processing of electronic transit declarations and other electronic information relating to the relevant Community/common transit procedures and TIR operations, and on computer software, hardware and infrastructure requirements for persons submitting transit declarations by means of new computerized transit system.

Order 1B-825 of 24-12-2008 of the Director General of CD on the approval of standard contract form for submitting transit declarations by means of new computerized transit system.

Order No. 1B-298 of 25-11-2005 of the Director General of CD on the approval of rules for acceptance, verification and processing of transit declaration data on performing Community/common transit procedure by means of NTCS system, of Control result code classification used to process transit declaration,  Typical form   "TC 11 – RECEIPT", and Guarantee invalidity code classifications.

Order No. 1B-536 of 22-06-2016 of the Director General of CD on the approval of rules for validation of Union goods customs status using authorized consignor status, for application of simplified Union and common transit procedures performed using authorized consignor and authorized consignee status, and for discharge of TIR procedure using authorized consignee status.

Order No. 1B-810 of 15-12-2005 on the approval of rules for registration of persons wishing to submit transit declarations by means of New computerized transit system.

Order No. 1B-414 of 27-04-2004 of the Director General of CD on the approval of instructions for customs clearance of Single Administrative Document.

Order No. 1B-329 of 13-04-2004 of the Director General of CD on the approval of instructions for completing Single Administrative Document.

Order No. 1B-761 of 28-11-2005 of the Director General of CD on the approval of rules for issuing authorization for fallback procedure in case of failure of person`s, declaring goods for Community/common transit procedure, software, hardware and infrastructure used to work with New computerized transit system.

Information and documents required to be provided by person


Data and documents on goods required for customs clearance of standard export declarations (with or without safety and security data), standard import declarations, declarations for certain simplifications of customs import and export formalities, prior notification of export of compensated agricultural products, entry and exit summary declarations, standard transit declarations, TIR carnets, declarations for temporary storage.

Information and documents required to accept application

Information and/or documents required by authorities indicated in customs legislation for clearing customs procedure for which goods are declared.

Service provider

Customs offices specified in the classification approved by the Director General of the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania by Order No. 1B-351 of 25 June 2009 on the approval of Classification of Customs offices.

Service manager

Head of the Customs Procedure Division of the Customs Department

Phone (8 5) 266 6078;

e-mail [email protected]

Duration of service provision

Not regulated

Price of service provision

Administrative service provided free of charge

Application form, sample for filling in, application content

Trader module - publicly available software; the services of using it are free of charge. Only persons with valid means of authentication of the Trader module, registered and approved in the Customs information system, can access the system.

Information and communication technologies used to provide service

Declarants may submit import and export, entry and exit summary declarations, declarations by persons, declarations for temporary storage and prior notifications of export of compensating agricultural products. The said declarations shall be made in accordance with the Customs declaration processing system (MDAS), Trader interface specification (available at the address:http://www.lrmuitinelt/web/guest/591),

and using Traders portal software available at the address:, or by accessing via S2S (system to system).

Traders portal is a specialized publicly available software for submitting import and export declarations. This software allows persons with valid, i.e. digital certificates registered and validated in the Customs information system, to prepare and submit an electronic message to the Customs information system, which the latter evaluates and accepts for further processing or rejects, if the submitted message does not meet the required criteria.

On the Traders portal, a representative of the trader's company will be able to perform the following main functions using a digital certificate:

- to create a new electronic message;

- to upload an existing message from the user's disk or other media to Traders portal;

- to save the message as a file on the user's disk;

- to sign the message electronically;

- to send the message to the Customs information system for verification or registration for processing;

- to find and review messages previously prepared and registered in the Customs information system;

- to create a related message by copying the necessary data from a previously created message to the newly created one.

The administrators of the trader`s company will be able to perform the following administrative functions:

- to create and register a new representative of the trader's company;

- to edit the representative's data;

- to assign the existing representative to the company being represented;

- to assign an application software, which the representatives will be able to work with, after selecting the company to be represented.

Declarants may submit the data of transit declarations and TIR carnets. The said declarations shall be submitted taking into account the functional specification of the National transit control system (NTCS), available at:, and using the software of the Trader module, available at:

The Trader module is a specialized publicly available software for the preparation, submission to the Customs authorities of electronic transit declarations and TIR carnet data, and for receipt of information from the Customs authorities. This software allows the trader to create and submit to NTCS an electronic message, which the NTCS evaluates and accepts for further processing or rejects, if the submitted message does not meet the required criteria, and informs the trader about the progress of the processing of his declaration or TIR carnet data.

In the Trader module, the representative of the trader's company will be able to perform the following functions: 

- to create and submit an electronic transit declaration;

- to upload and present to the Customs authorities an electronic transit declaration made by other means;

- to exchange with the Customs offices all messages in the external field of NTCS;

- in the case of the simplified transit procedures, to print a transit accompanying document using the software available;

- to manage the electronic transit declaration data prepared by him;

- to receive reports on completed transit movements;

- to obtain information on the use of the guarantee.

The administrator of the trader's company will be able to perform the following administrative functions:

- to create and register a new representative of the trader's company;

- to edit the data of the representative;

- to assign the existing representative to the company being represented.

On “Traveller`s portal”, declarations may be completed and submitted to the Lithuanian Customs no earlier than 14 days before the departure through the Customs post. The person completing the declaration must indicate there the Customs office through which he is going to travel.  

The system assigns to the successfully completed and submitted declaration a unique number, which the person having completed the declaration gives to the customs official when crossing the state border.

The following declarations can be submitted through the Traveller`s portal:

- Traveller`s declaration: a customs declaration in the form established by the Customs Department, in which the traveller indicates the data about himself and goods being transported;

- Cash declaration: it has to be submitted to the Customs authorities by persons carrying cash of a value of EUR 10 000 or more (or the equivalent amount in other currencies);

- Fuel declaration: it has to be submitted by the drivers of cargo vehicles.

All declarations can be completed on the Traveller`s portal in the Lithuanian, English and Russian languages.

The portal can be accessed using a computer or any mobile device.

Traveller`s portal website address:

Last updated: 16-07-2024